
6 Ways to Boost your Toddler’s Immune System

Once the babies are weaned, they are prone to health issues like runny noses, gastrointestinal problems, colds, coughs, etc. How often have we attributed these symptoms to changes in the weather or allergies? Is it fair to just accept that your toddler is more susceptible to infections than other kids? Instead, why not boost your child’s immunity against common diseases?

Here are some useful tips for better immunity in children

Breast milk

Breastfeeding is the best immunity-boosting method for babies. According to an article published by the National Health Scheme, U.K. breast milk boosts immunity and protects babies from various diseases. Breast milk contains powerful white blood cells and natural antibodies. The nutrients will protect your child from respiratory diseases, urinary tract infections, tummy bugs, meningitis, and others. If you are a stay-at-home mommy and get plenty of breast-milk, then try to breast-feed the baby at least for a year. This will strengthen the immunity of the child much more than supplements do.

Eating right

Some foods have powerful phytonutrients that enhance the production of white blood cells that fight diseases. Add 2 tablespoons of fresh fruit and/or vegetable pulp in the daily diet of your pre-schooler. Green beans, berries, carrots, oranges, kiwi, etc. contain diseases-fighting nutrients like vitamin C, beta-carotene, etc. Other foods that improve immunity in toddlers are oily fish (containing Omega-3), almonds (vitamin B), garlic (sulphur), mushrooms (zinc), yam (vitamin A), and others.

Healthy hygienic habits

Teaching clean habits is one of the most important ways of improving your child’s immunity. There are many situations when toddlers are exposed to disease-carrying germs. They may be handling pets, not washing hands before meals, using shared soaps and towels, etc. Teach your child clean habits at a very early age so that they become second nature.

Adequate sleep

Toddlers need 11 to 15 hours of sleep per day depending on age. Adequate sleep and regular sleep cycles are good for toddlers. Kids with low immunity can be affected by Sleep Deprivation. You need to ensure that your child gets deep sleep in order to remain healthy and happy. On the other hand, Ingestion of the right foods will also help to counteract the side-effects of sleep deprivation to some extent.

Physical activity

You do not want your toddler to grow up into a couch-potato! But formal exercises will be boring for your delightful little toddler. Whereas, music and dance, cycling, follow-the-leader game (which involves walking), racing, ball games, etc. will be fun.

Avoid passive smoking

The parents’ habit of cigarette smoking in the presence of children is the most common reason for respiratory problems in kids. Second-hand smoking or passive smoking will cause low immunity in the child. This will make your kid more susceptible to chronic/recurring diseases like colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or worse!

Your toddler’s well-being is entirely in your hands. The more you know how to improve your child’s immunity the easier life will be for your toddler. Good health and stamina will ensure that your little darling is always active and happy.

Health Parenting and Childcare

6 Secrets to Raising a Healthy and Happy Child

As parents, what are our expectations of children? We all want them to be safe, healthy, and happy. But the habit of being a happy person has to be fostered in the early child development stage. This will help your kid deal with personal and professional relationships confidently.

Here are the 6 secrets of raising a healthy and happy child:

Build a strong bond

A child who feels a strong emotional connection with others will be happy. But the foundation for such connections must be laid in the form of parent-child-sibling bond. When you foster healthy connections, your kid will grow up feeling loved. Such a child will rarely develop bad habits like smoking, drugs, or drinking.

Avoid overindulgence

It is a mistake to overindulge your kid with toys and possessions. Your purpose is to make him/her happy but this gives the wrong signal. There is a very thin line between pampering and spoiling a child. If you cross this line repeatedly, your child will develop the wrong impression that money and possessions take precedence over family and friends.

Do not coddle

As parents, we are not responsible for every emotion that a kid experiences. Emotions like sadness, anger, frustration, etc. are part of life and your kid should be allowed to experience and cope with them. Instead of over-protecting your child from such feelings, you can teach how to deal with these emotions and bounce back into a cheerful state of mind. Also, keep a good balance between spending time together and giving space to each other.

Be happy

Your kid will take his/her cue from your behaviour. The best way to raise a happy child is by being happy. If you are relaxed, smiling, cheerful, and usually speaking in a pleasant tone, the child will develop the same habits. When surrounded by a happy family, the kid will learn to find joy in interrelationships and togetherness.

Teach responsibilities

Everyone has an inherent wish to be involved with others and be liked by them. Even a toddler does not want to be excluded from the family activities. Your toddler will feel included when you give him simple tasks. As the kid learns to perform these tasks properly, your kid will develop a sense of achievement and pride in a job well done. Even small jobs like feeding the pet or laying the table will give your child a lot of happiness, especially if you praise his efforts.

Avoid criticism

You may find it difficult to see your child struggle with a task and may criticise with the intent to instruct. On the other hand, to prevent failure you may feel tempted to take over the task rather than letting your toddler struggle with it. The right thing to do is to just guide verbally and let the child complete the given task. You must make allowances for failure because kids learn from their mistakes.

The most beneficial trait of raising a happy child at home is that your kid will grow into a cheerful and confident adult.

Parenting and Childcare

8 Tips on Confident Parenting

Parenting is a stressful experience for most of us. Well-meaning but bad advice from relatives and friends adds to the confusion. You may often ask yourself, “Am I feeding the baby enough?” or “Should I give full-fat milk to increase the baby’s weight?” These self-doubts may plague you till you start feeling you are a bad parent. Which is definitely not true! Every parent makes the most effort to provide the best for the child. Here is a list of few ideas on self-confident parenting.

Ignore bad advice

Some of the common bad advice you might get is feeding fatty milk and cereals for weight gain. Another very common suggestion is giving antibiotics every time your baby has even a mild cold.

Never make drastic changes in the baby’s diet or administer strong medications without consulting the paediatrician. As long as your kid is active, doesn’t have a fever, and retains all the feeds without retching, you have nothing to worry about.

Opt for isolation in distress

When your baby is bawling and inconsolable, take the child to another room till you can calm down the baby in private. Having a kindly audience giving conflicting advice will cause more distress, both to you and the child.

Never feel guilty

No one is born with parenting experience so all of us make some mistakes. Never allow yourself to develop a guilt complex about these small errors. Just learn from them and try never to repeat them. Move on and continue parenting with confidence.

Increase exposure to emotions

Your baby will learn how to handle emotions from your reactions and moods. It is not necessary to shield your kid from all negative emotions. Your child will learn to handle emotions better by seeing you sensibly deal with them.

Follow your gut feeling

Our parenting instincts are usually very strong. Accordingly, our thoughts and actions will always be with the child’s wellbeing in mind. Once you have decided to feed something to the baby or do anything else for the child, avoid self-doubts. Just go ahead and do it!

Ignore Comparison

Friends or relatives with kids of the same age may ask nasty questions. They will ask why your kid is not walking yet or speaking at least a few words! Comparisons are fruitless. Although there are general guidelines on early child development, children learn speech and motor movements at different levels. Even siblings may develop at different speeds.

Maintain a record

Keep a ready reckoner on the baby’s temperature, frequency, and quantity of feed, urine, and stools, frequency of colic pains, sleep pattern, etc. Carry this information when you visit the paediatrician. You will never feel lost or confused when the doctor asks questions.

Avoid over-parenting

A little bit of healthy neglect is necessary. Coddling your baby to prevent a crying bout is not always a good idea. Even tiny babies know how to take advantage of a fussing parent.

Enjoy every moment of calm and confident parenting!

Development Parenting and Childcare

Tips on Raising Bilingual/Multilingual Kids

If you and your husband speak different languages, you may wish your children to develop learning these languages. Raising bilingual or multilingual children has several benefits. For instance, it can enhance communication and bonds in your immediate and extended family. The most excellent way to assist your children to learn broad vocabulary in different languages is to always use those languages with them, particularly in the early years.

Raising multilingual or bilingual children: the family’s options

The decisions you and your husband make about assisting your children learn to utilise your languages depend on your family situation.

One person-one language

If you and your husband have different languages, the one person-one language model for supporting multilingualism or bilingualism may work for you. For instance, if your language is English and your husband is Tamil, you speak English to your children and your partner speaks Tamil to them. This model can work with more than one language other than English. For instance, if you speak Telegu and your husband speaks Hindi, each speaks their language to your children at home. If you both speak English as well, you might choose to use English with them when out. Your children will also learn to use English at school and in the community.

It is perfect if you both know each other’s languages so none of you feels bad.

Tips for assisting your kid’s bilingual or multilingual development

Take part in games
  • Read and narrate stories in your lingo, and persuade your child to join in.
  • Be creative and use dress-ups!
  • Play games in your language, particularly games that focus on language.
  • Sing songs, play music, and dance in your language. Children love music, and melody is a great way to assist them to remember things.
  • Search for word game apps in your language for your child.
Community activities
  • Search for schools, child care centres or multilingual and bilingual programs that back your child’s use of your language.
  • Organise playtime with other kids who speak a similar language.
  • Organise visits to or from speakers of your language. You can also take your child to visit countries where individuals converse your language as this can enhance his/her interest in the culture and ability to speak the language.
  • Visit the library and borrow magazines, DVDs, CDs, age-appropriate fiction, and picture books in your language.
  • Search for cultural activities that you and your child can do together to tap into your family’s identity and cultural heritage.
At home
  • Observe radio programs in your language, including popular music channels and programs for kids.
  • If you have friends and family who reside overseas, you can encourage your children to associate with them utilizing a video-messaging app.
  • Think a typical recipe from your community and about what your kid is fascinated in – for instance, music, soccer, cooking, TV shows, and so on. Try including your language into these curiosities. For instance, you can find your child’s favourite recipe or cook it together using your language.
  • Watch sports or movies in your language.
  • Assist your child find secure, interest-based online communities in other languages.

Remember that you can teach a kid a second language at any age. However, experts say that under the age of seven is the optimal time for children to find it relatively easy.


Spark Your Child’s Imagination by Promoting Creative Skills

A highly creative child is imaginative and thinks out of the box. So there is a strong connection between a child’s creative skills and imagination. But how to ignite a toddler’s imagination? Here are some cool ideas that will give you and your little one a lot of pleasure:

Imaginative Home Activities for your child

Children are naturally creative and it does not take much effort to ignite that little spark of imagination in them. 

Sparking your child’s imagination with stories

Bring out all your childhood fairy tales full of adventure and imaginary creatures. Describe them and their actions using different voices for the various characters. 

Children’s encyclopedia

Invest in a good children’s encyclopaedia. The ones for kids are normally full of beautiful pictures. As you point out animals, birds and insects from the book, imitate their sounds or movements. 


While reading aloud from books, embellish your story with sounds, voices, and movements. These graphic descriptions will teach your toddler to image the existence of those creatures even if he has never seen them. 

Enacting the stories

Use soft toys, dolls, or other items in the house to represent characters in the stories. Enact these stories along with your toddler and turn it into the most enjoyable parent-child bonding activity. 

Developing your kid’s imagination with artwork

Colouring books

These books are the easiest way of igniting your child’s imagination and creative skills. Motivate your baby to use unusual colour combinations on every page of the colouring book. 


Another fun-filled activity is doodling. Let your kid scribble with an ordinary pencil on a piece of paper. In the maze of scribbles, identify shapes like circles, triangles, squares, animals, faces, etc. and teach your kid to colour only those areas. 

Abstract art from waste

One of the most inexpensive ways of using creativity to spark your kid’s imagination is making art pieces from waste. Recycle cans, boxes, wrapping papers, grocery bags, plastic bottles, etc. and indulge in abstract art projects. The waste items can be painted, dried, and glued together to form different shapes. 

Other creative games that ignite a child’s imagination are stone art, sand art, puppet-making with waste, Origami (paper folding), paper cutting, and more. 

Outdoor Activities to Ignite your kid’s Imagination

When we go to parks or the zoo, we would normally just point out trees, flowers, birds, animals, and other objects. Even in the outdoors, there are immense possibilities to spark your toddler’s imagination with creativity. 

  • Nature’s tale Carry a small bag to the park. Ask your toddler to pick up small pebbles, shells, buttons, string, flowers, seeds, or any other small items found on the ground. When you come home, ask your kid to arrange them on the floor and create a story around those items. 
  • Garden tent Set up a tent in the backyard so that your kids can pretend they are camping. You can join in the fun and encourage them to think of something new every time they use it. The tent can be a cave, spacecraft, aeroplane, ship, or anything else. 

Have fun…

Health Sleeping Habits

Signs, Causes and Treatment for Sleep Deprivation in Toddlers

Sleep deprivation refers to inadequate sleep. As grown-ups, we tend to become sluggish when we are tired. But if your toddler is not getting adequate sleep, she may become more active. So the signs can be challenging to find.

It is important to note that usually, a one-year-old will sleep for about 13 hours and 30 minutes each day, together with a two-hour daytime siesta. By the time she is three, this will be decreased to around 12 hours, which may or may not include a one-hour siesta during the day. If your toddler seems to be sleeping less than she is accustomed to, it may just be that she needs less sleep, now that she is a little older.

But, at times your toddler might not be getting the sleep he needs. If he continues to lose sleep, he may become sleep-deprived.

Signs that indicate your toddler is sleep-deprived
  • Having difficulty getting to sleep. Sleep deprivation may make it difficult to get your toddler to settle at bedtime and at night.
  • Being short-tempered and grumpy during the day. All toddlers have their cranky moments, but if your toddler appears to be in a bad mood all the time, inadequate sleep could be the reason.
  • Sleeping late in the morning. Most toddlers wake comparatively early in the morning, so if your toddler likes staying asleep till late in the morning, he may not be getting adequate sleep.
  • Overactive behaviour. Inadequate sleep can make it harder for your kid to focus, and he may become unfocused easily. This might make him appear over-thrilled and more fidgety than typical.
  • Falling asleep outside of his normal nap and sleep times regularly. After a routine has been set, toddlers typically like to stick to it. Thus, if he is falling asleep in weird places at random times, he might need a bit more shut-eye.
Causes of sleep deprivation in toddler

Changes to the routine or surroundings of the toddler may at times affect his sleep patterns. The arrival of a new sibling, going on a family holiday, moving house, or moving to a big bed can affect his capability to settle himself to sleep. He might need time to settle into his new routine or get accustomed to any changes in his world.

Teething or illness can also disrupt your toddler’s sleep owing to pain or discomfort. Cough, a stifling nose, or a molar coming out, may make it difficult to settle back to sleep if he wakes up or drift off at bedtime.

Few paediatricians believe that sleep disruption can be a sign of a growth spurt or a suggestion that your toddler is learning a new skill. If this is the case, you will possibly find that he settles back to his usual routine in a few days.

Occasionally, difficulty sleeping can be a symptom of something else. Sleep apnea is a condition where the airways in the throat become either completely or partly blocked during sleep and interrupt breathing. Even though it sounds upsetting, sleep apnea is a common and treatable condition. Your paediatricians will be able to verify a diagnosis and suggest the best treatment for your kid.

Tips for Improving Your Child’s Sleep

  • Set up a regular time for bed every night and do not differ from it. In the same manner, the waking time must not differ from weekend to weekday by more than 1 to 1 and a half hours.
  • Make a soothing bedtime routine, such as reading a story or offering your child a warm bath.
  • Do not offer any drinks with caffeine at least six hours earlier than bedtime.
  • Avoid offering big meals to children around bedtime.
  • Ensure that the bedroom temperature is comfortable and dark.
  • Ensure the noise level in the house is low.
  • Make playtime after-dinner a soothing time, as too much activity near bedtime can keep children wide awake.
  • There should be no radio, television, mobile phone, computer, or music playing while the child is going to sleep. Video games and TV should be switched off at least one hour before bedtime.
  • Infants and children should be put to bed when they look tired but are still awake.

Consult with the healthcare provider of the child if these tips do not help or if you need added guidance.

Potty Training

Tips on How to Make Potty Training for Your Little One Fun

As your baby grows into a toddler, there are several ways she becomes more and more self-sufficient. You will love seeing all of these thrilling development milestones come and go, but one, in particular, may necessitate a little bit of your attention. That is when your child goes from diapers to being completely potty trained.

Potty training is a complicated process, and it can be tricky to know what the best method is as every child studies differently, boys might learn diversely from girls, and there is no specific way to teach the essential skills.

To assist you in your little one’s potty training venture, here are some tips to assist your toddler get the hang of potty training:

Ensure your child is prepared

Try not to hurry the process and begin potty training too early, before your little one can achieve success. Search for the symptoms of willingness in your child before starting to potty train your little one.

Get your kid involved in choosing the potty chair

If possible, shop for the potty chair or potty seat together with your child. It will make him feel more included and more thrilled about using his brand-new potty chair.

Shop for kid underwear as a sign of encouragement

Buy fun underwear, like ones with a preferred superhero graphic or cartoon character. Clarify to your child that after he learns how to utilise the potty, he can sport this fun kid brief. You can also allow him to wear this brief as a treat while potty training, as well.

Place the potty chair in a convenient spot

The bathroom is the best location but you can also wish to think about putting the potty in the bedroom of your kid for easy reach after rests.

Prepare a potty schedule

After your little one begins potty training, put into practice a simple schedule. For instance, you can encourage going on the potty after nap time or after eating. This allows your child to understand that going potty is a routine thing.

Do not flush immediately

If you are using your toilet to train, do not flush right after your child has utilized the potty. The sound of the flush can be very frightening in the early stages of potty training. Set up the idea of flushing slowly, after your tot has been familiarized with using the potty chair, and make a cool pastime out of it — almost like allowing your little one to press an elevator button.

Do not punish errors

Even though potty training struggles can be annoying at times, resist the urge to get irritated or discipline your toddler. Rather, let her know that it is okay and she can try again later. Additional pressure will not assist her to learn any faster. It might also be that your little one is not prepared yet, so think about placing potty training on hold for a few days or weeks.

Remember that potty training does not typically come easily, so do not underrate the process. It is all about hanging on for symptoms of willingness in your kid, preparing the stage and plunging in. Although the viewpoint of ditching the diapers is thrilling, getting there can be challenging from the point of view of parents’ patience. But do not lose trust. Potty training your kid may seem never-ending, but soon your kid will get the hang of it and stop using diapers.

Development Potty Training

Potty Training Mistakes to Avoid

Potty training is often considered as one of the trickiest features of the early years of parenting. While toilet training a toddler will never be as easy as 1, 2, 3, you may be making your life harder by committing one of these common potty training errors. While several parents are willing to speed up the development oftentimes and make the change from diaper to toilet as effortless as possible, specific mistakes can delay the process easily.

Here are some of the common potty training mistakes and issues that parents should avoid:

Pushing kids before they are prepared

A child’s wish to graduate out of diapers is a developmental landmark, and just in the same way you would not push kids to walk, you cannot force them to potty train before they are prepared and if you still do it, you will be unsuccessful. The key errors parents make in potty training are associated with not understanding the basic principles that the kid must first be able to manage their potty functions, and then they should have the eagerness to do it.

Solution: You should look for signs that your kid is interested in. For instance, he may follow you into the bathroom to watch you flush and pee. Also, you may find that he hates wearing a dirty diaper and asks via his actions or words to have it changed.

Switching to diapers at bedtime, on road trips, or other moments when it is simply easier 

Most of the parents wish to toilet train till bedtime when they frequently resort back to diapers. However, when we switch back and forth, the kid loses the understanding of being pooped/wet or uncomfortable and is getting mixed messages. The same applies to difficult times such as road trips or family occasions such as weddings. While it is enticing to go back to diapers, constancy matters.

Solution: Get rid of the diapers at bedtime and get a few plastic mattress liners in its place. Avoid setting up potty training around large social occasions or when you take a trip, or if you have to, pack lots of additional outfits to whisk out in case of untoward incidents, and take your kid to the toilet every hour to keep such issues at bay.

Not waiting until you are ready

If you cannot wake up at 2 a.m. to change the sheets, make the rugs clean, and do loads of laundry a day, or have any other issues, you may need to wait to potty train. Potty training is an untidy, time-consuming dedication, so you need to be hands-on.

Solution: Choose a potty-training time when you would not have many other pressing responsibilities, such as over summer vacation, or a long weekend. That way, you can dedicate your undivided attention to the task.

Not keeping an eye out for signals

Kids would not just come up and say that they want to go to the potty. Rather the signs are much more important. One of the most common errors is for the parent to not follow through when the child offers the signal.

Solution: First, find out the signs your child displays when he wants to go. Then watch for them and once you spot them, take your child to the bathroom and set your child on the toilet. After repeated attempts, the child will make the connection between the urge to go and the toilet and will go there naturally.

These are some of the potty training mistakes to avoid.

Development Health

Tips on How to Encourage Your Toddler’s Physical Development

Toddlers develop and grow fast in their first five years across the four primary areas of development. These areas are motor (physical), cognitive, communication and language, and emotional and social.  
Motor development indicates the strengthening and growth of a child’s ability, muscles, and bones to move and touch the surroundings. A kid’s motor development is classified into two categories: gross motor and fine motor.

Fine motor skills refer to small movements in the tongue, wrists, lips, feet, fingers, toes, and hands. Gross motor skills entail the development of muscles that allow babies to hold up their heads, crawl and sit, and eventually skip, walk, jump, and run.

Here are some of the ways to encourage your toddler’s physical development:

Climbing and balancing

One of the things toddlers love to do is take their new walking skills and up the stake just a bit. It might be climbing up and down a sofa or chair or balancing on the edge of a stair.

Drawing and scribbling

Applaud these early sketches, which offer assurance a whole raft of new capabilities. Drawing with a crayon includes fine motor skills such as holding and grasping.

Dressing and undressing

Placing things on and taking them off is a toddler delight. Undressing and dressing herself or a toy offers a host of prospects for her to practice her hand and finger coordination.

Filling and emptying

Your toddler will soon learn that vacating a container necessitates a lot less accurate than filling one. As infuriating as it might appear this dumping is an essential cognitive exercise, as well. Your toddler is beginning to understand that one object, like a bucket, can hold another object.

Running and jumping

Toddlers love to run, jump and climb but getting both feet to leave the ground at once, is difficult than most of us remember and exasperating for the child who wants to, but cannot.

Moulding and squishing

Toddlers love to touch, taste, and smell. If you offer your child lots of fun-to-feel materials to keep her little hands busy, she will have fun while developing the agility and strength of those little hands.

Stacking, stringing, and sorting

Balancing one block on top of another carefully or placing coloured rings on a pole or stacking and knocking down everything excites almost all toddlers. It is also an incredible way for your kid to use his fingers and to work on building and sorting skills.

Catching and throwing

Balls of several sizes to be rolled, caught or thrown develop hand-eye coordination as well as agility. This skill is a physical development: your child will begin with rolling, then go on to bouncing a ball and throwing underhanded before lastly learning to throw overhand.

Rolling and pedalling

After your toddler studies that his legs are vital to mobility, he will love using them to roam. Your child might start by utilising both feet at the same time and then start “walking” with feet.

Pushing and pulling

If he is still learning to pull, push and walk toys are ideal for your kid. They mix the skills that are developed already, such as pulling into a standing position and pushing up from the floor.

Swimming and splashing

Water play is an ideal way to construct coordination and assist your kid get at ease with his body, but it is essential to take your cues from your child when introducing him to the water.

These are some of the simple ways to encourage your toddlers’ physical development.

Fun Parenting and Childcare

Tips on How to Design Kids’ Rooms to Foster Creativity

Although most people believe that creativity is a natural talent and that their children either do or do not have: just as all kids are not evenly intelligent, all kids are not creative as well. But in reality, creativity is a skill rather than innate aptitude, and it is a skill that parents can assist their kids to develop.

Every child is born with the ability for imagination and creativity, but that capacity can be limited if, for instance, you do not give them the opportunity and space to use and develop their creative energy. That chiefly means offering your child the liberty to make something creative on their own. But, it is also about being able to test new ideas.

How to foster the creative process?

It is essential to emphasise the creative process. That means showing your appreciation and support for their efforts, not the result. You should offer the stimulation for creativity but do not attempt to control the play. Rather, it enables kids to develop their sense of liberty.

The tools you offer for this creative play should thus not be limited, but leave room for their thoughts to begin. You can change equipment often to keep it thrilling and provide the prospective for them to come up with new ideas, but also an enhanced challenge, so they do not start to become bored with this type of play.

Why make kids room a creative hub?

When we are talking about kids’ room ideas to motivate their imagination, what we mean is that you can create a little station or hub where they have a range of activities and tools on-hand to chase an interest. By setting up a creative station in a kid’s room, you are making it easily accessible, and thus, more likely to be used. You are also providing them ownership of it.

A creative space must welcome clutter and supplies must be put on a show. This motivates your kids to feel like there are no limitations on them. Your children must not inbuilt with any fears about using the space.

Best kids room ideas to support their creative pursuits
Kids room design Ideas for Arts And Crafts

Arts and crafts are favourite for kids and maybe the first area you think of when it comes to bringing out your kid’s creative side.

Craft corner

The craft table is possibly the most renowned creative space in family homes. But, instead of putting out supplies that seem to surpass your kitchen bench or dining table always, you can set up a chosen space in your child’s room and design it nicely.


Chalkboard paint indicates you can turn the whole wall into a drawing space. On the other hand, you can paint an extensive stripe across the room or even in a corner if you like a more concentrated area for your kid to get creative.

Gallery wall

A gallery wall in the room is the most excellent way of displaying your kids’ latest artistic creations. This way, it also enhances as beautification for your kids’ room that can easily develop as they grow. You can simply utilise frames to exhibit the artwork or twine up a line with some hooks attached to make it simple to convert the art.

Reading corner

Reading can be entertaining for your kids with a cosy spot to enjoy their books. Your kid will love to have a tent at the corner with soft cushions and favourite stuffed animals.

These creative interior designing ideas can motivate and assist offer your kids the room of their wildest dreams.