
Enjoying a Beach Vacation with your Toddler

You might have dreamt of idyllic tropical vacations surrounded by warm Eastern seas, bright sunshine, and golden-white sands! Yet, you may have cancelled your plans because a beach vacation with a toddler seems a daunting task!

So here are some tips that will inspire you to book your next vacation at a beach resort without any hesitation:

Select the Destination

Tropical beaches are warm, sunny, and usually crowded. As you move away from the Equator, the beachside air is chilly and seawater freezing. If your toddler is prone to respiratory problems in extreme weather, they will be more comfortable at a tropical destination. So, if your pre-schooler suffers from heat and rashes in hot climates, then a hot tropical beach is not suitable.

The best beachside vacation with a toddler – A tropical beach during the winter season.

Choose The Hotel/Resort

The best child-friendly hotel will offer many fun activities for your kids (including the toddler). While choosing the best beach resort, look for amenities like:

  • Child-friendly menus
  • A good mix of sunlight and shaded areas
  • Toddler’s toys and play areas
  • Sandpits with soft sand
  • Kid’s pool with water toys and lifebelts
  • Lifeguards at the kid’s pool.
  • Facilities on the beach

You are going to spend a lot of time on the beach and not cooped up in the hotel! When you are vacationing with kids and especially with a toddler, you will need separate diaper-changing rooms on the beach itself. Trudging across to the hotel to change the baby’s diaper will be tiresome. Food vendors on the beach are another advantage to look for. The basic facilities like shower cubicles, shacks, loungers, umbrellas, and restrooms are usually available on the beaches.  Most popular beaches around the world also have these extra facilities which you can look for:

Babysitting Services

Parasailing, kayaking, boating, snorkelling, deep-sea diving, and jet-skiing are some of the water sports you are probably looking forward to. But these are not the activities that one would associate with a toddler! A hotel that offers babysitting facilities within its safe environment will be a real boon. You could leave your pre-schooler for a couple of hours and enjoy the adventure sports activities. But don’t forget to take your toddler along while you visit aquariums and go on trips to see dolphins, whales, turtles, and other wildlife.

I suggest that you keep some time for unplanned beach activities for the toddler in the beautiful sunshine and golden sands.

Packing for a toddler

Besides the usual items like a change of clothes and extra diapers, you will need lightweight toys like balls, buckets and spades, and a few water toys (e.g. plastic ducks). Other essentials you need to carry to the beach for the baby are:

  • Child-safe sunscreen lotion
  • Sunglasses
  • Swimsuits
  • Wide-brimmed hat preferably made of straw (usually available locally)
  • Waterproof footwear.

Wishing you the best beach holiday with your toddler! I hope these tips will not only help you but make this vacation a memorable one.


6 Ways to Boost your Toddler’s Immune System

Once the babies are weaned, they are prone to health issues like runny noses, gastrointestinal problems, colds, coughs, etc. How often have we attributed these symptoms to changes in the weather or allergies? Is it fair to just accept that your toddler is more susceptible to infections than other kids? Instead, why not boost your child’s immunity against common diseases?

Here are some useful tips for better immunity in children

Breast milk

Breastfeeding is the best immunity-boosting method for babies. According to an article published by the National Health Scheme, U.K. breast milk boosts immunity and protects babies from various diseases. Breast milk contains powerful white blood cells and natural antibodies. The nutrients will protect your child from respiratory diseases, urinary tract infections, tummy bugs, meningitis, and others. If you are a stay-at-home mommy and get plenty of breast-milk, then try to breast-feed the baby at least for a year. This will strengthen the immunity of the child much more than supplements do.

Eating right

Some foods have powerful phytonutrients that enhance the production of white blood cells that fight diseases. Add 2 tablespoons of fresh fruit and/or vegetable pulp in the daily diet of your pre-schooler. Green beans, berries, carrots, oranges, kiwi, etc. contain diseases-fighting nutrients like vitamin C, beta-carotene, etc. Other foods that improve immunity in toddlers are oily fish (containing Omega-3), almonds (vitamin B), garlic (sulphur), mushrooms (zinc), yam (vitamin A), and others.

Healthy hygienic habits

Teaching clean habits is one of the most important ways of improving your child’s immunity. There are many situations when toddlers are exposed to disease-carrying germs. They may be handling pets, not washing hands before meals, using shared soaps and towels, etc. Teach your child clean habits at a very early age so that they become second nature.

Adequate sleep

Toddlers need 11 to 15 hours of sleep per day depending on age. Adequate sleep and regular sleep cycles are good for toddlers. Kids with low immunity can be affected by Sleep Deprivation. You need to ensure that your child gets deep sleep in order to remain healthy and happy. On the other hand, Ingestion of the right foods will also help to counteract the side-effects of sleep deprivation to some extent.

Physical activity

You do not want your toddler to grow up into a couch-potato! But formal exercises will be boring for your delightful little toddler. Whereas, music and dance, cycling, follow-the-leader game (which involves walking), racing, ball games, etc. will be fun.

Avoid passive smoking

The parents’ habit of cigarette smoking in the presence of children is the most common reason for respiratory problems in kids. Second-hand smoking or passive smoking will cause low immunity in the child. This will make your kid more susceptible to chronic/recurring diseases like colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or worse!

Your toddler’s well-being is entirely in your hands. The more you know how to improve your child’s immunity the easier life will be for your toddler. Good health and stamina will ensure that your little darling is always active and happy.

Health Parenting and Childcare

6 Secrets to Raising a Healthy and Happy Child

As parents, what are our expectations of children? We all want them to be safe, healthy, and happy. But the habit of being a happy person has to be fostered in the early child development stage. This will help your kid deal with personal and professional relationships confidently.

Here are the 6 secrets of raising a healthy and happy child:

Build a strong bond

A child who feels a strong emotional connection with others will be happy. But the foundation for such connections must be laid in the form of parent-child-sibling bond. When you foster healthy connections, your kid will grow up feeling loved. Such a child will rarely develop bad habits like smoking, drugs, or drinking.

Avoid overindulgence

It is a mistake to overindulge your kid with toys and possessions. Your purpose is to make him/her happy but this gives the wrong signal. There is a very thin line between pampering and spoiling a child. If you cross this line repeatedly, your child will develop the wrong impression that money and possessions take precedence over family and friends.

Do not coddle

As parents, we are not responsible for every emotion that a kid experiences. Emotions like sadness, anger, frustration, etc. are part of life and your kid should be allowed to experience and cope with them. Instead of over-protecting your child from such feelings, you can teach how to deal with these emotions and bounce back into a cheerful state of mind. Also, keep a good balance between spending time together and giving space to each other.

Be happy

Your kid will take his/her cue from your behaviour. The best way to raise a happy child is by being happy. If you are relaxed, smiling, cheerful, and usually speaking in a pleasant tone, the child will develop the same habits. When surrounded by a happy family, the kid will learn to find joy in interrelationships and togetherness.

Teach responsibilities

Everyone has an inherent wish to be involved with others and be liked by them. Even a toddler does not want to be excluded from the family activities. Your toddler will feel included when you give him simple tasks. As the kid learns to perform these tasks properly, your kid will develop a sense of achievement and pride in a job well done. Even small jobs like feeding the pet or laying the table will give your child a lot of happiness, especially if you praise his efforts.

Avoid criticism

You may find it difficult to see your child struggle with a task and may criticise with the intent to instruct. On the other hand, to prevent failure you may feel tempted to take over the task rather than letting your toddler struggle with it. The right thing to do is to just guide verbally and let the child complete the given task. You must make allowances for failure because kids learn from their mistakes.

The most beneficial trait of raising a happy child at home is that your kid will grow into a cheerful and confident adult.

Parenting and Childcare

8 Tips on Confident Parenting

Parenting is a stressful experience for most of us. Well-meaning but bad advice from relatives and friends adds to the confusion. You may often ask yourself, “Am I feeding the baby enough?” or “Should I give full-fat milk to increase the baby’s weight?” These self-doubts may plague you till you start feeling you are a bad parent. Which is definitely not true! Every parent makes the most effort to provide the best for the child. Here is a list of few ideas on self-confident parenting.

Ignore bad advice

Some of the common bad advice you might get is feeding fatty milk and cereals for weight gain. Another very common suggestion is giving antibiotics every time your baby has even a mild cold.

Never make drastic changes in the baby’s diet or administer strong medications without consulting the paediatrician. As long as your kid is active, doesn’t have a fever, and retains all the feeds without retching, you have nothing to worry about.

Opt for isolation in distress

When your baby is bawling and inconsolable, take the child to another room till you can calm down the baby in private. Having a kindly audience giving conflicting advice will cause more distress, both to you and the child.

Never feel guilty

No one is born with parenting experience so all of us make some mistakes. Never allow yourself to develop a guilt complex about these small errors. Just learn from them and try never to repeat them. Move on and continue parenting with confidence.

Increase exposure to emotions

Your baby will learn how to handle emotions from your reactions and moods. It is not necessary to shield your kid from all negative emotions. Your child will learn to handle emotions better by seeing you sensibly deal with them.

Follow your gut feeling

Our parenting instincts are usually very strong. Accordingly, our thoughts and actions will always be with the child’s wellbeing in mind. Once you have decided to feed something to the baby or do anything else for the child, avoid self-doubts. Just go ahead and do it!

Ignore Comparison

Friends or relatives with kids of the same age may ask nasty questions. They will ask why your kid is not walking yet or speaking at least a few words! Comparisons are fruitless. Although there are general guidelines on early child development, children learn speech and motor movements at different levels. Even siblings may develop at different speeds.

Maintain a record

Keep a ready reckoner on the baby’s temperature, frequency, and quantity of feed, urine, and stools, frequency of colic pains, sleep pattern, etc. Carry this information when you visit the paediatrician. You will never feel lost or confused when the doctor asks questions.

Avoid over-parenting

A little bit of healthy neglect is necessary. Coddling your baby to prevent a crying bout is not always a good idea. Even tiny babies know how to take advantage of a fussing parent.

Enjoy every moment of calm and confident parenting!

Parenting and Childcare

Baby Proof Your Home for Safety and Comfort

Baby proofing your house before ushering in the newborn is a task you will willingly take. You want the home to be set up as safe as possible for your little darling. This requires pre-planning because you want the best for the child.

It will take several months for your baby to start crawling. But once the baby arrives you will be too busy attending to the child’s needs to have time for the house. So here are some child-proofing tips for your home:

Baby Proofing the house for safety

  • The first step towards making your house child proof is preparing for emergencies. Some of the steps you need to take are:
  • Install electrical switches and plug points at a higher elevation so that they are out of reach of children
  • Fix door stoppers
  • If you are painting the nursery (or house), ensure that the work is done a few months before delivery
  • Stock-up the medicines and keep a first-aid kit handy
  • Install at least one landline so that you can make calls even when the mobile battery has drained
  • Keep the pediatrician’s phone number handy
  • If you are using a baby mosquito net, ensure that there are no loose strings or attachments that might choke the baby
  • Keep your neighbour’s phone numbers handy in case you need help

  • Cover sharp corners of furniture with soft padding
  • Attach non-slip padding under the rugs at the four corners
  • Decrease the lengths of curtain cords or tassels so that they are too high for the baby to reach
  • Fix child locks for drawers that are within a child’s reach
  • Store irons, curling irons, clips, pins, and sharp objects in drawers and out of reach
  • Remove toxic weeds and harmful plants from the house and garden
  • Store cleaning agents, chemical-based cosmetics, etc. out of reach
  • Take care not to keep potentially dangerous objects like buttons, beads, pins, needles, headphones, hearing aids, etc. lying within easy reach of your child
  • Buy a sturdy high chair for your toddler’s meals
  • Purchase nursery furniture according to regulatory safety standards
  • Fix child-proof fasteners on windows.

Baby-proofing the home for comfort

A comfortable baby is a happy baby! So the nursery furniture and the highchair should be designed and set up for maximum comfort. You can place a thick blanket or rug on the changing station so that your baby is not resting on a hard surface during a nappy change.

Secondly, the baby wipes and cotton should be out of the baby’s reach. Babies and toddlers tend to put everything in their mouths. So keeping potentially harmful substances out of reach of your kid is essential for properly baby proofing your house.

Place the crib, playpen, and changing station away from powerful lamps, wall pictures, radiators, curtain cords, and other items that could be dangerous for the baby. Also, avoid carrying out noisy repairs and/or painting work once the baby arrives. Paints give off toxic fumes that are potentially dangerous for the baby as they cause respiratory problems. Loud noises can scare the baby. So all repairs and maintenance work should be carried out before your baby’s homecoming.

Keep your baby safe, healthy, and happy!


Negative Habits That Lower Your Child’s Immunity

Inertia and lack of fresh air, sunlight, etc. are some of the major reasons for low immunity in children. Some habits in pre-schoolers should be discouraged so that they grow up to be healthy and active individuals. Here are the most common habits that reduce immunity in children:


Lack of activity leads to poor blood circulation. Less movement means that the child does not perspire. Perspiration is essential to get rid of toxins from the body. Hence, lack of activity is considered a primary negative habit in kids that should be stopped as soon as it is observed.

Solution: Encourage your toddler to walk, run, jump, climb staircases, and play vigorous games.

No outdoor activities

Playing outdoors for an hour a day exposes your child to sunlight, a natural source of vitamin D. This is essential for calcium absorption which strengthens the bones. Staying indoors for most of the hours can lead to vitamin deficiency and weaken the bones. Secondly, the bone marrow produces the vital white blood cells which are disease-fighters.

Solution: A visit to a children’s park in the morning sunlight is all it takes!

Bad food/water/sleep cycles

Breaking bad habits in toddlers is far more difficult than encouraging good habits. Foodstuff filled with artificial preservatives, additives, sugars, and other chemicals is harmful to your child’s overall development. Also, according to the National Health Service, U.K. a child needs 11 to 15 hours of sleep per day depending on the age. Lack of sleep can cause several health problems, including low immunity.

Solution: Make sure your child consumes freshly cooked home food, vegetables, fruits, and plenty of liquids. Encourage a proper sleep cycle by keeping technical gadgets like computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. away during their bedtime.

Overusing medicines

Another bad habit that several toddler-parents resort to is the overuse of antibiotics. Regular administration of these medicines will reduce the toddler’s natural resistance to diseases.

Solution: Try home remedies and/or alternative treatments for minor colds, coughs, and upset tummies. Visit a doctor in case of recurring or prolonged health problems.

Lack of hygiene

A weak immune system in a toddler can also be due to a lack of hygiene. If you do not wash the child’s hands before every meal, leave fingernails untrimmed, or let your kid play in filthy areas the immune system is bombarded with germs resulting in reduced immunity.

Solution: Teach your toddler at a very early age to wash hands before each meal. Keep the fingernails trimmed so that no dirt accumulates.


Can stress cause a weakened immune system? The answer to that is a definite “yes”! Just like in adults, the stress in toddlers can lower immunity.

Solution: Communicate with your child and listen to his or her worries so that you can sort out the emotional problems.

Passive smoking

Toddlers and even older children are more susceptible to the ravages of passive smoking than adults. Second-hand smoking can cause chronic problems like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and even cancer.

Solution: Avoid smoking at home and keep your child far away from public smoking areas.

Keep your child happy and healthy!

Parenting and Childcare

The Pleasure in Parent-Child Bonding Activities

Bonding with your baby is an indispensable part of early childhood development. Children who receive adequate attention, love, guidance, and nurturing grow up to be stronger individuals. The family bond is stronger when the parent-child bonding activities are enjoyable. A family that laughs together, stays together!

Outdoor Parent-Child Bonding Activities

The primary advantage of parent-child activities outdoors is that you all can enjoy the sunlight and fresh air. The easiest and cheapest activity is, playing together in the nearby park. You can walk, jog, race, or play football. Other equally pleasurable outdoor family-bonding activities include:

  1. Gardening – For you, tasks like weeding, digging, planting, trimming, etc. are chores. But when you include your little toddler to plant seedlings, it becomes an enjoyable activity. You can put each kid in charge of tending one plant.
  2. Nature trails – Plan a nature trail to a nearby forest. While walking along the paths, point out interesting trees, plants, flowers, creepers, birds, and small animals. Believe me, even your toddler will absorb some of the information. Kids have an infinite capacity to store knowledge. Gardening and nature trails will also teach your kids to love nature.
  3. Parent-child classes–There are several parent-toddler classes that you can enrol in. Parents and children can enjoy together, leading to a stronger parent-child bond. Such classes may be art and craft, colouring, music, dance, etc.

Indoor Parent-Child Bonding Activities

In bad weather, you compel your kid to stay indoors. They become restless and irritable. But these fun-filled indoor parent-child bonding activities give a lot of pleasure:

  1. Reading competition – Take turns in reading storybooks aloud. The best reader gets the largest piece of cake. Your toddler gets a turn to read as well, and never mind the gibberish!
  2. Dance session–Clear floor space in the center of the living room. Use CDs or smartphones to play the latest popular tracks. Sing and dance together to your heart’s content!
  3. Artwork – One of the most popular and effective parent-child bonding activities indoors is painting. You can use paper, stones, shells, discarded cans, boxes, or any other surface on which to paint. Always use toddler-safe paints, crayons, and pencils for artwork. Try out Origami (paper folding) and colouring books.
  4. Soft-toy party–The most thrilling way of teaching kids organizational skills is by letting them plan and organize a party for their teddies and dolls. From seating arrangements for the toys to the choice of music, leave it to the kids. You are invitees and so are the soft toys. The kids will love being in charge. Keep some scones, sandwiches, and juice.
  5. Photoshoot–In this activity, each family member wears a favourite outfit and you click pictures in different sections of the house. Make sure you all pose differently for each shot. Make a collage of the pictures and frames.

Irrespective of the parent-toddler bonding methods you use, expressing love with kind words and hugs always strengthens the bond. Listen to your kid’s words and spend a lot of time together.

Development Parenting and Childcare

Effective Techniques to Improve your Child’s Skills

The first and most important teacher in your child’s life is you! Your baby is gathering new information and developing new skills every day. Teaching various skills at the early child development stage is the most appropriate way of managing their behaviour. Instruction is the common way in which all of us try to teach our kids different skills. But the more effective and pleasant way of teaching children skills by example.

Teaching Children Skills Through Instruction And Example

Telling your child how to do things is the first method we use to develop children’s skills. But this method can sometimes ignite toddler temper tantrums which can turn into rebellion as the child grows. But if you combine examples along with instruction, then you are bound to get a more positive response from your kid.

To make your child follow the instructions, always:

  • Kneel and speak to the child as an equal
  • Speak in simple sentences that your toddler will understand easily
  • Use a calm and pleasant tone of voice
  • Alternate between instructions and requests to get the desired result
  • Avoid using your smartphone while teaching your child skills
  • Make sure a distraction like TV is shut off
  • Use hand or facial gestures to emphasize important aspects of the instruction
  • Use props like drawings, posters, pictures, photos, educational toys, etc. to teach skills.
Set an example
  • Demonstrate a new skill by showing how to do it
  • Ensure your child is watching carefully while you do it
  • Teach your child social skills by following a certain pattern of social behaviour
  • Lay emphasis on some important aspects of a particular task
  • Give your child ample practice
  • Indulge in role-playing games where these skills can be included.
  • For instance, you can play the game “party-party”. While playing, you can demonstrate and teach skills like greeting the guests, laying the table, serving the food, etc.
Teach Skills At The Child’s Pace

You cannot expect your toddler to learn everything at the first attempt. Overloading your kid with instructions will only confuse the child. This can result in frustration and potential toddler temper tantrums. Understand the speed at which your child can assimilate information and teach your child skills at that pace.

Teaching children skills one step at a time is a pleasant way of going about it. This way, you will not overestimate your kid’s abilities. For example, if you are teaching your toddler to wear his footwear, on the first day just teach how to wear socks. The next day, teach your kid to slide the feet into the shoes. Once your toddler has learned to wear the correct shoe on the correct foot, you can teach the skill of fastening the strap or tying the laces. Splitting the task of wearing socks and shoes into three distinct steps is an easy way to teach a child skills.

To sum up, the most effective habit of parents in improving a child’s skills is doing things at the child’s pace. You should neither overestimate nor underestimate your toddler’s capacity to learn new skills


Spark Your Child’s Imagination by Promoting Creative Skills

A highly creative child is imaginative and thinks out of the box. So there is a strong connection between a child’s creative skills and imagination. But how to ignite a toddler’s imagination? Here are some cool ideas that will give you and your little one a lot of pleasure:

Imaginative Home Activities for your child

Children are naturally creative and it does not take much effort to ignite that little spark of imagination in them. 

Sparking your child’s imagination with stories

Bring out all your childhood fairy tales full of adventure and imaginary creatures. Describe them and their actions using different voices for the various characters. 

Children’s encyclopedia

Invest in a good children’s encyclopaedia. The ones for kids are normally full of beautiful pictures. As you point out animals, birds and insects from the book, imitate their sounds or movements. 


While reading aloud from books, embellish your story with sounds, voices, and movements. These graphic descriptions will teach your toddler to image the existence of those creatures even if he has never seen them. 

Enacting the stories

Use soft toys, dolls, or other items in the house to represent characters in the stories. Enact these stories along with your toddler and turn it into the most enjoyable parent-child bonding activity. 

Developing your kid’s imagination with artwork

Colouring books

These books are the easiest way of igniting your child’s imagination and creative skills. Motivate your baby to use unusual colour combinations on every page of the colouring book. 


Another fun-filled activity is doodling. Let your kid scribble with an ordinary pencil on a piece of paper. In the maze of scribbles, identify shapes like circles, triangles, squares, animals, faces, etc. and teach your kid to colour only those areas. 

Abstract art from waste

One of the most inexpensive ways of using creativity to spark your kid’s imagination is making art pieces from waste. Recycle cans, boxes, wrapping papers, grocery bags, plastic bottles, etc. and indulge in abstract art projects. The waste items can be painted, dried, and glued together to form different shapes. 

Other creative games that ignite a child’s imagination are stone art, sand art, puppet-making with waste, Origami (paper folding), paper cutting, and more. 

Outdoor Activities to Ignite your kid’s Imagination

When we go to parks or the zoo, we would normally just point out trees, flowers, birds, animals, and other objects. Even in the outdoors, there are immense possibilities to spark your toddler’s imagination with creativity. 

  • Nature’s tale Carry a small bag to the park. Ask your toddler to pick up small pebbles, shells, buttons, string, flowers, seeds, or any other small items found on the ground. When you come home, ask your kid to arrange them on the floor and create a story around those items. 
  • Garden tent Set up a tent in the backyard so that your kids can pretend they are camping. You can join in the fun and encourage them to think of something new every time they use it. The tent can be a cave, spacecraft, aeroplane, ship, or anything else. 

Have fun…


How to Prevent Your Toddler from Watching Mobile Videos During Meals

A majority of toddler moms complain about how they have difficulty in feeding their babies without distracting them with a video on their smartphones. Children are often very fussy eaters and persuading them to eat healthy food is not easy. Whether at home or in a restaurant, parents often resort to showing videos on their mobiles just to make the baby eat without a tantrum.

My baby does not eat without a mobile video playing on the side!

How does video-watching during meals affect a pre-schooler?

Just as in adults, distracted or hurried eating can cause a lot of physical and emotional damage in a toddler. Some of the harmful effects of watching mobile videos while eating are:

  1. Overeating – Video-watching is one of the biggest causes of toddler obesity. Studies have shown that we tend to overfeed the baby because the kid is engrossed in the video and does not indicate when the tummy is full.
  2. Gulping food – When your child is distracted by a smartphone video he just gulps the food. His mind does not savour the food and develop preferences.
  3. Slow metabolism – Seeing a video while eating lowers your baby’s metabolic rate. Consequently, the food is digested slowly and excess fat is burned slowly.
  4. Indigestion – Your toddler’s addiction to videos during meals every day may ultimately lead to frequent bouts of indigestion, colic pain, reflux, constipation/diarrhoea, etc.
  5. Allergies – Both you and the kid are distracted by the mobile video. So you are also not as alert as you should be in detecting allergic reactions to certain foods.
  6. Interaction – It is truly said that ‘a family that eats together stays together’! Meals are the best time for parent-child bonding. While watching a video, your pre-schooler does not interact with the rest of the family and misses out on precious quality time.
How to encourage your toddler to eat without a video

Distraction from a video makes it easier to feed your child. In due course, this becomes a habit and your kid may refuse to eat a meal without watching a video. Even if the habit has set in, you can wean your child from the habit. Initially, your little one may throw tantrums and make a huge fuss. But if you persist, then eventually the child will learn to eat without the distraction. These are a few tips on how to prevent toddler from watching videos during meals every day:

  • Keep everyone’s mobile devices away during meals
  • Take help from other members of the family to keep the child in conversation
  • Try to add creativity in the food, in order to make it look a little more attractive
  • Avoid texting or browsing on your phone during meals
  • If necessary, only play audio music (preferably nursery rhymes) instead of showing videos
  • Give more time to the toddler so that your child learns to value personal relationships more than objects.

As you have seen, there are many harmful side effects of a toddler not eating without mobile video clips. Video-watching during meals adversely affects the physical and emotional well-being of your toddler. Your child’s welfare is within your hands and not so difficult to manage.