Behaviour and Discipline Parenting and Childcare

Simple Ways to Help Your Child be Sociable

Making friends can be a challenge for some children. They may lack confidence or have trouble developing essential social skills. However, there are methods you can assist teach your child to defeat their worries and make friends. Social interaction and friendships are tremendously vital for self-worth. But it does not come to everyone naturally. Making companions takes practice, and you can assist your child by practising social circumstances and role-playing in advance.

If you want to socialise your child, then you may find certain parenting challenges; however, by following the below-mentioned steps the process can become a lot easier:

Encourage your child to be helpful

Let him assist sort the washing or clear the table. Children who see themselves in a culture that cares about other people are more likely to have superior social skills.

Show love to your kids, even if you find this hard

Children who are more affectionate and open are more likely to socialise or have friends.

  • Set a good instance. Parents should be caring, polite, and well-mannered to each other if they want their kids to act in this way.
  • Decrease the level of competition between kids. Do not separate things equally. It only motivates the children to search for a bigger share. Give according to necessity.
  • Value her social skills. When she is polite or considerate tell her how proud you are of her. Value and expect caring and mutual respect.
  • Care for distinctively. A child who knows she is loved for herself finds it simpler to share something of herself with others.
  • Teach sympathy: Run through various situations by requesting your child how other individuals may feel when definite things take place, and substitute various situations each time.
  • Explain how to share, wait: Sit down with your child for an hour every day and have fun with him to explain what it indicates to share, take turns, and wait.
  • Practice how to behave: Educate kids the appropriate way to begin a discussion, get an individual’s attention, or join a few children who are playing together already. These are all circumstances that can be brainstormed and discussed at the dinner table, or in the car on the way to school or activities.
  • Clarify personal space: Tell your child that it is essential for everybody to have some private space to feel at ease, and practice suitable ways to communicate with anyone during playtime.
Special Needs Children

Children with learning disabilities and ADHD may need additional assistance in developing social skills. The impulsive behaviour and the short irritation patience of an ADHD child can result in poor relationships with friends. Children with poor concentration and attention fail to adjust to the social cues in their environment and hence do not learn social skills via experience.

Children with learning disabilities might have trouble processing information from the social environment or have difficulty with self-expression. An outstanding parenting way for helping the child to keep and make friends and to socialise is to provide frequent and immediate feedback about wrong behaviour or social mistakes. Role-playing can be very useful to practice, model, and teach positive social skills, in addition to ways to reply to challenging situations such as teasing.

Development Health Parenting and Childcare

All You Need to Know About Your Baby’s Growth Chart: 0 to 12 Months

It is the responsibility of the parent to monitor the growth of your baby closely and check for the milestones to be achieved. But, it is vital to understand that the development pattern and growth of each baby differ. You should not be anxious if your baby discovers to walk later than others or his height is not in order like other kids of the same age.

In what way baby growth is measured?
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Attaining puberty
  • Other changes such as the growth of hair, the ability to speak, the arrival of teeth, learning to walk, etc.

Doctors usually are more concerned about the baby’s weight and height. While the height of a little one relies on his genes largely, it is very significant to monitor the weight chart of the baby boy. Weight can inform whether the baby can digest food appropriately and can take out nutrition from it.

Baby Growth Chart

A growth chart is vital to follow your baby’s growth consistent with his age. Though there is no perfect weight and height, there is a specific growth pattern that helps you evaluate your baby’s milestones. Girls and boys have diverse growth charts as boys are a little taller than girls. Also, growth patterns differ. The most excellent way to keep a track of your baby boy’s weight and height is to take him for regular doctor checkups. Your baby’s doctor will measure his head circumference, weight, and height and will then compare them with the standard growth charts.

Factors that can influence the growth of the baby

The growth of your baby boy’s rate depends partially on his metabolism and body type, and partially on his general health, the environment and feeding habits. The factors that have an impact comprise:

Your physical condition when you were pregnant: This can impact the store of nutrients your baby has when born. Your lifestyle habits, weight, and diet can also have an important influence on your child’s growth in his first year.


Feeding offers your baby with the essential calories he typically necessitates to grow. Until he is 6 months old, he is reliant on breast milk or formula feed for nutrition. The duration and amount of feeding affect his growth.

Birth Weight Of Your Baby

It points out how well you have nurtured your baby during pregnancy. But, babies born with low birth weight grow quicker, and babies born with high birth weight grow gradually. It is also known as a catch-up or catch-down growth.

Your Physical Condition After Pregnancy

If you go through postnatal despair or are sick for any reason, it will be hard for you to take care of your infant. This may eventually affect his growth. But, it is not lasting and gets solved once you get well.


Genes also play a noteworthy role in the growth of the baby. If both the parents are sturdy, your child is likely to be healthy. Likewise, if both parents are skinny, even the baby would be underweight.

Minor Diseases

Diseases such as ear infections and flu affect the baby’s development, but only provisional. He may not want to drink milk when he is unwell, and this might have an effect on his growth. The growth comes back to normal after he starts drinking milk and feeling well.

If you feel that the growth is abnormally sluggish or there is a vast disparity in him and his peers you should consult his paediatrician and get appropriate guidance.

Development Health Special Child

All You Want to Know About Toddler’s Developmental Delay

When toddlers are slower to develop communication, emotional, physical, and social skills than expected, it is called developmental delay. Developmental delay can turn up in the way children shift, behave, think, communicate and learn with others. When more than one of these areas is affected, it may be called a global developmental delay.

Developmental delay may be short term, or it may be the first sign of a long-term issue.

Lasting developmental delays are also known as developmental disabilities. Instances are intellectual disability, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, and cerebral palsy.

Signs that indicate that your toddler’s development has been delayed

Every toddler develops differently but as a general guide, you might be worried about the developmental delay if you notice that, over several months, your child is not developing language, social or motor skills at the same rate as other kids of the same age.

Things to do for delayed development in your toddler

As a parent, you know your toddler better than anyone else. If you are worried about your child’s development, rely on your instincts and talk to your paediatrician, and nurse.

These health professionals can make a diagnosis of developmental delay after evaluating your child. Or they can refer you to other professionals who can assist.

People who can assist a toddler with developmental delay

Your paediatrician and nurse can assist if you think your kid might have developmental delay, or your kid has a developmental delay diagnosis. The below-mentioned experts can also assist:

  • Audiologist
  • Occupational therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Speech pathologist
  • Psychologist
  • Special education teacher
  • Social worker
Living with developmental delay

Like other toddlers, kids with developmental delays keep learning. But they take longer to develop new skills, and they may learn in somewhat different ways from other kids. For instance, most kids can learn skills fast and by instance. But kids with developmental delay may need to be shown skills in simpler, smaller steps. They may also require more time and chances to practise skills.

At preschool or school, your kid may need additional support to do well. It is always a good idea to talk with preschools and schools about your child’s requirements. And if your child has a disability diagnosis, you may be able to get school support.

Do not worry about delayed development

Keep in mind that children develop at different rates. But, if you think your child is developmentally delayed, consult with your doctor. If your school-age child is diagnosed with developmental delay, you may be entitled to special services. Specialized services differ as per the need and location.

Consult with your physician and your school district to discover what services are present. Specialized education, particularly when started early, can assist your child’s progress and achieve more in school.

Treatments for developmental delays differ as per the specific delay. Some treatments comprise physical therapy for assistance in motor skill delay and behavioural and educational therapy for help with ASD and other delays.

In a few cases, medications may be recommended. A diagnosis and an evaluation from a paediatrician are vital to come up with a treatment plan particularly designed for your kid.

Parenting and Childcare Sleeping Habits

Get your Twins on a Similar Sleep Schedule

From bathing and feeding to putting the twins down for sleep and changing diapers round the clock, life with twins can be as strenuous as it is satisfying. Even though the first few weeks are a bit of a twister, you can work towards setting up a flexible sleep schedule for your twins, which will work together with their feeding routine. Experts explain by six weeks your infants’ feeding routine should be calming down and they should begin sleeping for no less than one long stretch at night and waking every three to four hours to feed.

Here are some effectual means to get your twins on a similar sleep schedule:

Make sure that the twins sleep in the initial weeks together

There is no doubt that twins feel comfortable with each other and are calmer when placed next to each other, particularly in the first six weeks after birth. A study reveals that when newborn twins sleep in a single cot, they tend to have the same sleep schedule. This is since they tend to move nearer to one another and contact, hug and hold each other. They also get up at the same time, which makes their life much easier. They also normalize each other’s body temperatures, which assists to keep them quiet and transition into the world after birth.

Feed them at the same time

Waking a sleeping baby to feed in the night may sound like a mad idea, but it is a perfect tactic with twins. In the early days, if one baby is wide awake and it is close to feeding time, feed both! Once your babies grow older, you will find that they are asking for more frequent night feedings and a longer stretch of sleep. Remember that twins grow speedily and are hungry frequently, so when they strike a growth spurt you may need to feed them repeatedly. This is usual and should not last more than a week.

Put down your twins drowsy but awake

It is easy to rock one child to sleep in a bistro or the car, but when it comes to having twins, try to allow them to fall asleep in their cots when it is nap time rather than holding or rocking both of them at once. If anyone of them is bothering at sleep time, lift him/her to pacify and put the infant to cot again when he becomes sleepy. Teaching twins to self-settle is a great lasting tactic.

Make a calming sleep environment

When it comes to assisting your babies to sleep during the day and night, refer to these below-mentioned tips:

  • Stop over-drowsiness by restricting their awake time between sleep to forty-five and sixty minutes during the day
  • Keep them swaddled in a stretchy 100% cotton blanket when it is time to sleep
  • Dim the light in the room by closing the curtains and using block out blinds so there are no bright lights that can over-stimulate them
  • Use white noise, such as the sound of the ocean or a fan, to imitate the sounds of the womb.
  • Keep night feeds silent by remaining in the sleep zone, in a dark room with restricted interaction.

Lastly, give it time. A schedule does not take place in a day; it evolves over weeks and months.

Sleeping Habits

Why is White Noise Good for Babies

To assist your baby sleep better at night, paediatricians often suggest soothing activities, such as warm baths. When nothing seems to work, parents may turn to alternative measures like white noise. Babies like white noise. They are used to it. Before making an entry into the world, your baby spent his days and nights in the reassuring buzz of human life. The noise of the blood hurrying around your body, your beating heart, and your every breath created a reassuring dissonance somewhat similar to the roar of a vacuum.

When born, your baby all of a sudden found himself in a perplexing world of whispered tones and calculated steps. Even though all these are meant for the baby’s comfort, this makes him feel detached completely. This prevents your baby to sleep.

What is white noise?

White noise refers to sounds that cover other sounds that take place in an environment naturally. If you live in a city, for instance, white noise could help obstruct out noise related to traffic. Particular sounds may be utilized to assist encourage sleep irrespective of ecological noise. Examples include comforting beach sounds.

There are devices particularly designed for use with babies. Some are set with heartbeat noise that is meant to imitate that of the mother or instrumental lullabies.

Reasons as to why white noise is good for babies

Babies might be able to sleep faster with white noise in the backdrop. White noise can suppress household sounds.

White noise may help sleep

The primary advantage of white noise for little ones is the fact that it can assist them to sleep. If you see your baby falling sleepy at noisy times outside of usual nap time, they may respond optimistically to white noise. Your baby may be adapted to being surrounded by noise, so a totally quiet environment could have a conflicting effect when it comes time to sleep.

Sleep aids can camouflage household sounds

Families with kids of varied ages can also advantage from white noise machines. For example, if you have a baby who needs sleep, but another child who no more takes sleep, white noise can assist suppress the noises of siblings to assist your baby sleep better.

Tips to use white noise for baby sleep
  • Play with the sounds a little. Every baby reacts to diverse tones differently. Reduced rhythmic sounds may be better.
  • Turn white noise machines all the way down to the beginning. The plan is to make it work at the minimum volume possible. Most machines can surpass the highest decibel level suggested for hospital nurseries.
  • Music is not white noise so do not play it.
  • Put the white noise machine close to the crib, but not within it. Items in a crib can be very risky for children.
  • It can be enticing to turn white noise on in the hope it will make your baby sleepy but this would not work and will just decrease its efficiency.

Whether your baby is a challenged or an easy sleeper, white noise can help the baby in several ways. The consistent, gentle sound can soothe him to sleep. You can whisper ‘shhh shhh’ to assist pacify your baby, which is a natural sound that imitates a mother’s heartbeat, and it works. As your baby hears this type of sound, he can focus on it, which helps him relax and sleep.

Remember that every baby is special when it comes to sleep needs, so white noise can finish up being a trial and error process. If you plan to try white noise, you should do it cautiously.

Parenting and Childcare

Tips for Getting Back to Work After Having a Baby

A new mom’s complete day rotates around her little one, leaving no time for herself. Moreover, a day’s work at the workplace may appear like an impossible task if you are on your maternity leave. With support and preparation, you can certainly ace being a working mom and a rockstar mommy.

Returning to work is one of the most frightening milestones for most new moms. Several doubts may cross your mind and you can find yourself feeling nervous and anxious, guilty, thrilled, all at the same time. Here are a few things you must think about before you return to work:

Keep in contact with what is happening in the office while you are on maternity leave

Keep in touch with your boss, teammates can assist you to feel associated even when you are on leave. Staying connected with your friends at the place of work can make you wish to join work. Understanding what are the new amendments in your team can assist you to discuss the roles as per your requirements if required.

Planning when to return

You may always feel that your child is not old enough for you to join back work, or you need more time. While there is no ideal time to return to work, think about factors such as travel requirements at your workplace, anticipated workload, commute time, your financial situation, and the support system you have back home. Talk with your partner on what they think and how you as a family are ready for you to join back work.

Talk with your employers

Most companies in India today have regulations that make returning to employment easy for new mothers. Talk about your options with your company. If you need to feed your baby, check with your employer if you can go out for an hour during the break. Pumping might be one more option, and several working moms are opting for. Flexible hours for working and bosses who understand can make the evolution simple for you.

Know the regulations at your place of work

While maximum companies make the prospective arrangements for new moms, you should know what you are permitted to as per regulations. Ensure you know the regulations of your company in regards to legal rights and flexibility.

Mom restart career

Once you know the date you shall get back to work on, you must plan out all the essential details meticulously. Here are the things to consider before restarting the career:

Decide on who needs to look after your child while you are at work

Most working parents either choose a daycare or rely on the kid’s grandparents in their absence. You might need to think about a range of factors such as the eagerness of grandparents, their health/age conditions, monetary aspects of daycare, etc. Whatever you select for your family, remember your family’s needs and the setting that best suits you and your kid. Think about the monetary costs included in each option, and make up your mind on what you think is the best choice.

Get the necessary assistance

With you joining back work, there would be added responsibilities, hence it is wise to seek assistance. Assign some of the vital responsibilities to your partner or any other assistance you may have. For instance, think about getting extra help for tasks like cleaning, cooking, etc. Plan for days when the child is sick. Planning can assist in avoiding issues.

Re-focus on your career

You may feel miserable for weeks as a working mom, thinking about your little one always and bothering about him. Remember that worrying alone does not assist. Rather you should focus on your career.

So, if you are a new mom and planning returning to work, then you should keep in mind the above-mentioned tips.

Health Parenting and Childcare

Tips to Recognise and Diagnose Your Baby’s Food Allergies and Sensitivities

Starting to feed solid foods to babies is an electrifying milestone for parents. But, it comes with a lot of concerns and questions, particularly about food allergies. Allergy is caused by antibodies that the body’s immune system pro­duces, which respond to a constituent of a particular food and then discharge chemicals that cause allergic symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itching, and coughing.

Start Gradually to Recognise Any Food Allergies

It is most essential to introduce a baby to new foods slowly, one at a time, in case of food allergies. If not, a parent may have difficulty finding out that the baby is sensitive to which food. For instance, if you offer your baby 3 new foods in a day and she builds up an allergic reaction, you would not know which of the foods triggered it.

The type of food or the order in which food is introduced is not much anxiety, as long as the foods you are offering are well-balanced and healthy for the baby. Every time you provide a new food, you should wait for a few days before adding another innovative item to the menu. Do not get rid of the previous foods your baby is eating during that time; as you know these are safe for your baby.

Food Allergy Symptoms to Look for in Your Baby

Food allergy symptoms typically appear very soon after the food is consumed. The reaction may occur in a few minutes to a couple of hours. If you are introducing new food to your baby, look for these symptoms:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Hives or welts
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Flushed skin or rash
  • Diarrhoea  and/or vomiting 
  • Lip, tongue, or face swelling
  • Wheezing or coughing
How to Diagnose Baby Food Allergies?

Doctors suggest that it is important to secure a reliable diagnosis before drawing any dietary conclusions. Remember that restricting a baby’s diet without your paediatrician’s guidance carries risks of its own. If your baby has stomach issues or is picky after meals, talk to your paediatrician and visit an allergist. Sometimes the issue is not related to food allergies at all rather it can be due to overfeeding, incorrect mixing of formula milk, etc.

If your little one is diagnosed with an allergy or is sensitive to a particular food, you will have to stay away from her trigger foods. If your little one is allergic to milk, doctors will typically put the baby on a hypoallergenic formula. Just keep in mind; while food allergies can be annoying and even frightening, they do not essentially last forever. Several kids grow out of them by age five.

If you expect a sensitivity or food allergy, verify your suspicions

If you see a few warning signs and start to suspect that your infant may have a food allergy or is sensitive to a particular food, then take appropriate steps:

  • Choose an elimination diet. This diet enables you to test how your baby reacts when you eliminate a specific food from her diet and then introduce it later. An elimination diet is a great tool to use if your baby’s symptoms are not life-threatening and acute.
  • Look for medical assistance if essential. If your kid’s symptoms are serious, seek medical attention at once. A paediatrician will be able to carry out a range of tests to give you a diagnosis.

After you have confirmation about your baby’s food sensitivity or allergy, let your paediatrician know about this. This comprises anyone who takes care of your baby. The people who will be supervising and feeding your little one must know exactly what he can and cannot eat.

Behaviour and Discipline Parenting and Childcare

Tips to Deal with Swearing and Abusive Language: A Guide for Parents

Reasons why my child is using foul language

Kids are always studying how to converse and communicate with people. When your kid picks up a new swear word at kindergarten or from another kid in your society, the prospects are, he will want to try it out at the house. And when other kids start laughing when he uses the word, it will give him the confidence to repeat uttering the word.

Toddlers also study by copying themselves on others. For your kid, this often involves imitation, particularly of people he looks up to and loves, such as family members and older siblings. Thus, he may pick up certain words and behaviors to fit in, without knowing what they mean.

This is the usual stage in your child’s development. Your curious child has acquired a new skill, one that is different and thrilling.

What should you do about swearing and abusive language?

It does not matter where the language comes from, though it is never too early to teach your child that it is not tolerable. Here are some tips on how you can make your little one comprehend:

Maintain a straight face

When your preschooler uses abusive language, says a swear word, oppose the urge to giggle, which he will take as superb support for doing it again.
The capability to make adults giggle or annoy or distress is very powerful when you are little. And even if it seems hilarious or amusing to hear your toddler repeating some wrong words unknowingly, showing your enjoyment is not in his best interests.

Though difficult to practice, try to pay no heed to rude language the first time your child uses it. It may happen that he would not repeat it if it does not get him the reaction he was searching for.

Evaluate the environment

Children usually imitate behavior and language that they have heard. Although they might have an idea that it is something that is not permitted, they do not know the connotation of the words themselves. If your kid hears you or other family members swearing on a day-to-day basis, he is likely to choose these up and reiterate them. If you swear in front of him, admit and apologize that you should not have said it.

Speak to everyone within the family which also includes the household staff. No one should use bad language in front of your toddler. If they end up saying something inappropriate they should apologize.

Teach respect

Children need support and motivation to study about respectful behavior and the disparity between “good” and “bad”. Kids need to know right away when their behavior is improper, whether it is swearing, kicking or hitting. Wait for a few minutes if you need to pacify, and then tell him that foul words are not allowed. Also tell him that it is not okay to use swear words and this is not tolerated at preschool or daycare, on the playground, at friends’ houses and even their home.

Remember that all children go through this stage at some point or another. The possibility is that with a little patience and guidance, your toddler will get the message that it is not acceptable behaviour.

Parenting and Childcare Travel

Here’s How You Can Keep Boredom at Bay When Travelling with a Child During a Road Trip

One of the key changes that motherhood brings along is that all the hasty travel plans change to a more organized and scheduled one. If this is your first road trip with kids then it would involve a great amount of planning and preparation.

From their security to entertainment- parents have to think about all the aspects. To have a fun and successful road trip here are some of the tips that you can refer to.

Plan It Perfectly

Appropriate planning is the key. Prepping for the trip beforehand can assist in several ways than one. You get sufficient time to assemble for all that you necessitate for the travel. Try and schedule the time of the travel according to the nap time of the child. You can choose to leave early in the morning hours when the kids were drowsy and the traffic on the road was less. This way you can get some quiet and constant drive time.

Safety Awareness

For smooth sailing, make sure your car is in appropriate working order. Check the condition of the battery, belts, tyres, etc. If the car servicing is due, ensure to get it done before your tour. Carry all the emergency equipment like flashlights, tools to change the tyre, jumper cable, etc. Also, make sure that the child safety locks on the door are well activated.

Stop Regularly

Riding in the car for hours can be strenuous and tedious- both for you and the kids. Ensure you take timely breaks. Study the route of your destination carefully and know about the suggested pit stops. Do not forget to ask for recommendations from friends about all the restaurants and locations that are child friendly.

Arrange for child’s entertainment

You certainly do not want to mess up your drive with a grumpy child. Thus, keep him happy by engaging him in his favourite activity. Be it toys or books or games- keep everything handy. You can also download some audio rhymes and stories that can help to keep your kids entertained. Here are some of the tips that you can do to keep your child happy:

Mix things up with a building block play-set

A practical activity can be a great change of pace after a few hours on the road. Look for a playset that is ideal for little hands and has the perfect amount of pieces to keep kids’ entertained without causing a big mess.

Bring puzzles, word builders or any creative things

To keep boredom at bay, you can ask your kids to solve puzzles and word builders. You can also ask your kids to recite a rhyme which they have learned recently or talk about the things that you can see on the road as you travel.

Snacks on board

Pack lots of drinks and snacks with you. Again keep them as per your child’s liking and taste. You can carry homemade finger food, sandwiches, dry fruits, bananas, etc that can be munched on effortlessly. For younger kids, you can keep powdered cereals handy that can be fed by mixing in some water easily. Also keep some disposable spoons, paper plates, bowls, tissues, etc. Make sure that your child’s sippy cups and bottles are spill-proof.

Road trip with kids may sound a bit challenging but is great fun. A little pre-trip planning can go a long way in making your journey simple and memorable. The thumb rule for any travel is to make sure the comfort of the child. A happy and comfortable child would surely mean a serene and successful road trip.

Development Health Parenting and Childcare

Guidelines on How to Track Your Baby’s Growth

The focus of your kid’s health proof is his growth diagram. Kids who are developing at the usual rate and whose weight and length or height is quite well matched are usually healthy. Your doctor will monitor your baby’s weight and height on a percentile chart. With time, your provider would be able to see whether your baby is growing at a normal rate.

How does Baby Growth Charts Work?

The curves you notice on a baby growth diagram imitate average development—in head circumference, length, and weight —for girls and boys depending on their age. The physician will measure and weigh the baby then include a mark to the diagram to plan your kid’s latest gains. The curve is simply those dots linked over time.

How frequently is the baby’s growth measured?

Doctors will whisk out the measuring tape and place baby on a scale during every checkup, which means at birth, after 3 to 5 days and at one, two, four, six, nine, twelve, fifteen, eighteen, twenty-four, and thirty months, then annually after that. The main thing your doctor is looking for is constancy.

If you are interested in the baby’s growth, check out the below-mentioned guidelines:

Newborn milestones

Week 1: It is only been a week, but your newborn knows he can depend on you. By now, he can distinguish your voice, and the acquaintance helps him adjust to the weird new world outside the womb.

Week 2: In the second week, your baby can focus on objects a few inches away. As you feed your little one, move your head from side to side slowly and see if his eyes follow you. This helps make his eye muscles and tracking skills.

Week 3: Though his movements are still jerky and haphazard, your baby can begin snuggling by week three. As you hold him, watch how he adjusts his position towards you. He finds your arms soothing and reassuring. 

Week 4: This week you will see your baby is using his vocal cords in ways other than crying. He may make ahh and coo sounds, particularly when he sees parents. Babies learn by imitating, so replay his sounds back to him.

1 Month Baby Milestones

Week 5: This week your baby’s movements become more purposeful and smoother. Make sure to give your little one a mini-drill by pulling him slowly to a sitting pose, or allow him to rest with belly-down on your arm. Make sure to support his head during activities.

Week 8: Although your child’s head is still unsteady, the neck muscles are getting firmer by the day. Your baby can lift his head about 45 degrees. Put him on his stomach for brief periods each day so he can practice.

2 Month Baby Milestones

Week 9: This week sounds attract your baby, particularly high pitches and tones. He is also interested in hearing you talk, and will stare at your mouth intently as you speak to him. He may even reply with cooing.

Week 12: The baby by now has discovered an everlasting source of delight: his hands. He has understood that the thumbs and fingers are individual objects. He can also get his hands together, staring at them and then place them to his mouth to taste.

3 Month Baby Milestones

Your kid is getting stronger by the day. He may protest when he is placed on his stomach, but he needs tummy time every day for exercising his chest, neck, arm muscles, and rib cage. This is important for sitting up, rolling over, and crawling.

Consider these simple guidelines for toddler growth in the first year: Till six months, a toddler can grow half to one inch a month and put on about 200 grams per week. Your baby can increase his or her birth weight by two –times at about 5 months’ age.