As your baby grows into a toddler, there are several ways she becomes more and more self-sufficient. You will love seeing all of these thrilling development milestones come and go, but one, in particular, may necessitate a little bit of your attention. That is when your child goes from diapers to being completely potty trained.

Potty training is a complicated process, and it can be tricky to know what the best method is as every child studies differently, boys might learn diversely from girls, and there is no specific way to teach the essential skills.
To assist you in your little one’s potty training venture, here are some tips to assist your toddler get the hang of potty training:

Ensure your child is prepared
Try not to hurry the process and begin potty training too early, before your little one can achieve success. Search for the symptoms of willingness in your child before starting to potty train your little one.

Get your kid involved in choosing the potty chair
If possible, shop for the potty chair or potty seat together with your child. It will make him feel more included and more thrilled about using his brand-new potty chair.

Shop for kid underwear as a sign of encouragement
Buy fun underwear, like ones with a preferred superhero graphic or cartoon character. Clarify to your child that after he learns how to utilise the potty, he can sport this fun kid brief. You can also allow him to wear this brief as a treat while potty training, as well.

Place the potty chair in a convenient spot
The bathroom is the best location but you can also wish to think about putting the potty in the bedroom of your kid for easy reach after rests.

Prepare a potty schedule
After your little one begins potty training, put into practice a simple schedule. For instance, you can encourage going on the potty after nap time or after eating. This allows your child to understand that going potty is a routine thing.

Do not flush immediately
If you are using your toilet to train, do not flush right after your child has utilized the potty. The sound of the flush can be very frightening in the early stages of potty training. Set up the idea of flushing slowly, after your tot has been familiarized with using the potty chair, and make a cool pastime out of it — almost like allowing your little one to press an elevator button.

Do not punish errors
Even though potty training struggles can be annoying at times, resist the urge to get irritated or discipline your toddler. Rather, let her know that it is okay and she can try again later. Additional pressure will not assist her to learn any faster. It might also be that your little one is not prepared yet, so think about placing potty training on hold for a few days or weeks.

Remember that potty training does not typically come easily, so do not underrate the process. It is all about hanging on for symptoms of willingness in your kid, preparing the stage and plunging in. Although the viewpoint of ditching the diapers is thrilling, getting there can be challenging from the point of view of parents’ patience. But do not lose trust. Potty training your kid may seem never-ending, but soon your kid will get the hang of it and stop using diapers.