Inertia and lack of fresh air, sunlight, etc. are some of the major reasons for low immunity in children. Some habits in pre-schoolers should be discouraged so that they grow up to be healthy and active individuals. Here are the most common habits that reduce immunity in children:
Lack of activity leads to poor blood circulation. Less movement means that the child does not perspire. Perspiration is essential to get rid of toxins from the body. Hence, lack of activity is considered a primary negative habit in kids that should be stopped as soon as it is observed.

Solution: Encourage your toddler to walk, run, jump, climb staircases, and play vigorous games.
No outdoor activities
Playing outdoors for an hour a day exposes your child to sunlight, a natural source of vitamin D. This is essential for calcium absorption which strengthens the bones. Staying indoors for most of the hours can lead to vitamin deficiency and weaken the bones. Secondly, the bone marrow produces the vital white blood cells which are disease-fighters.

Solution: A visit to a children’s park in the morning sunlight is all it takes!
Bad food/water/sleep cycles
Breaking bad habits in toddlers is far more difficult than encouraging good habits. Foodstuff filled with artificial preservatives, additives, sugars, and other chemicals is harmful to your child’s overall development. Also, according to the National Health Service, U.K. a child needs 11 to 15 hours of sleep per day depending on the age. Lack of sleep can cause several health problems, including low immunity.

Solution: Make sure your child consumes freshly cooked home food, vegetables, fruits, and plenty of liquids. Encourage a proper sleep cycle by keeping technical gadgets like computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. away during their bedtime.
Overusing medicines
Another bad habit that several toddler-parents resort to is the overuse of antibiotics. Regular administration of these medicines will reduce the toddler’s natural resistance to diseases.

Solution: Try home remedies and/or alternative treatments for minor colds, coughs, and upset tummies. Visit a doctor in case of recurring or prolonged health problems.
Lack of hygiene
A weak immune system in a toddler can also be due to a lack of hygiene. If you do not wash the child’s hands before every meal, leave fingernails untrimmed, or let your kid play in filthy areas the immune system is bombarded with germs resulting in reduced immunity.

Solution: Teach your toddler at a very early age to wash hands before each meal. Keep the fingernails trimmed so that no dirt accumulates.
Can stress cause a weakened immune system? The answer to that is a definite “yes”! Just like in adults, the stress in toddlers can lower immunity.

Solution: Communicate with your child and listen to his or her worries so that you can sort out the emotional problems.
Passive smoking
Toddlers and even older children are more susceptible to the ravages of passive smoking than adults. Second-hand smoking can cause chronic problems like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and even cancer.

Solution: Avoid smoking at home and keep your child far away from public smoking areas.
Keep your child happy and healthy!