In 1936, Jean Piaget, a world-famous psychologist, propounded the Theory of Cognitive Development. According to his theory, a small child creates a mental image of the world. The child’s academic and emotional development is not a sudden or one-time activity. It is an ongoing process that is affected by the level of maturity and the environment. This theory will help us understand the cognitive milestones for children. With these milestones, we can help them grow into smart and confident kids.
Piaget’s theory describes four stages of cognitive development in children, which are:
Sensorimotor stage

This cognitive development milestone occurs between the ages of birth to 2 years. During this stage, your kid will recognize objects and persons. The child will also know that the object or person exists even if not in the room.
Preoperational stage

This cognitive development occurs when your child is between the ages of 2 and 7 years. This milestone is manifested in the form of symbolism. Your child can not only recognize things and people but can also identify them by their name.
Concrete operational stage

Children between the ages of 7 and 11 go through this stage. Logic and operational thought become a part of a child’s cognitive development process. Concepts like weight, size, numbers, stature, shapes, colours, etc. develop now. Children also learn about how quantities can remain the same even if they change in appearance.
Formal operational stage

Cognitive development of a child after the age of 11 stretches between teenage and adulthood. At this level of cognitive development, the child also understands abstract concepts that cannot be seen with the eyes. The child can also hypothesize and test the hypothesis in a logical manner.
Ways to Encourage Cognitive Development
Promoting cognitive development in your toddler will help your child in his/her academic life. There are some beautiful ways in which you can encourage cognitive development in your child depending on the age.
Newborn to 6 months old:

- Talk to the child
- Show picture books
- Point out things in nature
- Change playing activities
- Keep toys just short of reach but within their sight.
1 to 3 years old:
- Play hide-and-seek
- Show colours, shapes, objects
- Teach sounds of animals and things
- Play with the ball
- Give step-by-step instructions in simple sentences
- Indulge in role-play games
- Encourage your child to take the lead in games
- Sing and dance together.
4 to 7 years old:

- Teach them easy chores
- Encourage your kid to tell stories and/or read aloud
- Increase the counting of numbers (more than 100)
- Teach currency
- Encourage your child to ask questions and answer them properly
- Provide colouring books, drawing materials, and other artwork materials
- Take your child to the zoo, park, nature trails, amusement parks, etc.
Developing your child’s cognition is not a difficult task. Kids are naturally curious and have a profound thirst for knowledge. The more time you spend with your toddler the easier it will be to recognize your kid’s cognitive milestones.