Health Nutrition

How to Introduce New Foods to Your Child

Hello parents! Congratulations on having some of the cutest toddlers ever!
There are a majority of toddlers who would refuse to try all the healthy stuff out there. Are you one of those parents struggling to make your child eat some new healthy food? How would you make them chomp on all those green stuff? Those foods are essential for their development and growth. There are a few tips which we have listed to aid you out.

Club the tasty food with healthy ones

This is one of the easiest ways of ensuring that your child has healthy food on his platter. Put the veggies alongside his favourite ones. This will ensure that he does not think much about the new food on his plate. Make your task easier to feed the child those veggies. You can lure him into eating those stuff. First provide the favourite stuff, not everything at a go and then this one.

Practice what you preach

Children often tend to observe their parents at every step and time of their lives. They often try to emulate you in several ways. You can use this to your advantage by simply eating that healthy stuff before he does. Simply ask him to emulate or just wait until he does. More often than not, they will do it themselves. A task made easier for you in simple words. Way to go! It is of the most effective ways of making your child eat that stuff.

Avoid large portions

Children do not tend to eat large chunks of foods that they dislike or run away from. You must be aware of this fact and try to avoid filling his plates with a truckload of veggies.

Exactly where you want to tread with caution. The portions must be sufficiently poky in size. The child does not feel like he is being made to eat this stuff at gunpoint. You will surely see the results yourself. Surely, the child begins to regularly eat small portions of this stuff. Then you can gradually increase the portion size to meet the daily nutritional requirements.

Addition of lip-smacking flavours

If it is possible to add some lip-smacking flavours which are your child’s favourite ones to those healthy foods, you must try that out.

First up, identify which flavours your child loves to gulp down. Then, identify the healthy foods in which you can add those flavours without compromising on their nutritional values. This will ensure that the child loves the taste while meeting the daily nutritional requirements.

By luring them

Talk about the splendid appearance of the new veggie you wish to load in his mouth. You can gulp it yourself first and then talk about how amazing it was. Your child will most likely emulate you. You can even offer them their favourite games and toys if they finish their portion quickly without much fuss too.

Hence, these are some of the most effective ways to help your child try out new and healthy foods. Good luck!

Health Parenting and Childcare Sleeping Habits

Soothing Activities to Help Your Baby Sleep

Some babies sleep much more whilst a few sleep pretty less. For instance, a few sleep through the night and some do not, for a long time. Your little one will have their pattern of sleeping and waking, and it is not likely to be similar to other kids you know. It is not going to fit in with your necessity for sleep. Try to sleep when your baby sleeps. If you are breastfeeding, in the initial weeks your little one is likely to sleep off for short periods during a feed. Continue feeding until you think your baby has completed or until they are completely asleep. This is a perfect opportunity to get a bit of rest yourself.

Soothing activities to help your baby sleep.

Teach your infant that night-time is different from daytime. During the day, play games, open curtains and do not worry too much about daily noises when they sleep.

At night, look out for tired signs and put your baby to bed as soon as they have been fed. You might also find it useful to not talk much and keep your voice low. Keep the dim lights on and do not play with your baby

Babies will show signs when they are getting tired such as frowning, yawning, grimacing, sucking, grizzling, staring, jerky movements, snuggling in, becoming overactive, rubbing eyes, clenching fists, crying or fussiness. Replying early to these tired signs stops your baby from becoming distressed and makes it easier for them to sleep.

Set-up schedule with a newborn

Newborn babies will sleep on and off all through the day and night. It could be useful to have a pattern, but you can always alter the routine to suit your requirements. For instance, you can try feeding your baby just before you go to sleep so that he/she can get sleep for longer hours.

Know how to settle your babies

In the initial six months, you can hold your newborn in your arms till they fall asleep. Utilize mild rocking, rhythmic patting, talking, stroking, or singing softly before placing your baby into the cot. These reiterations signal recreation and sleep.

You can also try placing the baby in the cot awake but drowsy and calm and gently stroke or pat them till they fall asleep, comforting them with mild sounds. If your baby becomes distressed, lift them for a cuddle until quiet or asleep before putting your baby back in the cot. Stay with them till they doze off.

Preparing a bedtime schedule

You might be prepared to start a bedtime schedule when your baby is approximately three months age. Getting them into a soothing, simple bedtime schedule can be useful for everyone and can assist to stop sleeping problems afterwards. Here are some things to try.

  • Changing into nightclothes and a fresh nappy
  • Reading a bedtime story
  • A warm bath before bedtime
  • Putting them to bed
  • Singing a lullaby or having a wind-up musical mobile that you can turn on when you have put your baby to bed
  • Dimming the lights in the room to create a tranquil atmosphere
  • Giving them a cuddle and goodnight kiss

As your child grows older, it can be useful to keep to a similar bedtime habit. Excessive stimulation and excitement just before bedtime can awaken your baby up again. Use some time relaxing and doing some quieter things, such as reading.