Numerous mums who decide to bottle-feed, figure this pretty soon. Providing their infant with a container of breastmilk or an equivalent equation while he’s in the bed or his bunk can be a simple method to alleviate him. In any case, leaving a jug in your dozing infant’s mouth is anything but a smart thought as it could cause the accompanying issues.
Ear contamination
Drinking while he’s resting builds your infant’s danger of ear diseases. Ensure your infant has his milk before he’s resting. There are a few instances across the globe where this took place.

Hence, you do not want to take any chances of contaminating your baby’s ears. It can be treacherous in the long run. Various complications arise out of this petty thing thereafter.
Tooth rot
If your infant has begun getting teeth, leaving the jug in your resting infant’s mouth may cause tooth rot. You should clean your infant’s teeth after his last jug feed and before sleeping.

Also, you should regularly disinfect the bottle before you feed milk from it to your baby. Some bacteria residing on the bottle cap might infect his teeth. The child has developing teeth and it affects their overall tooth growth too. The decay and rot of teeth are too perilous.
Propensity framing
Remember that continually settling your child with a container may imply that he’ll become acclimated to you taking care of him into a sluggish state. It might debilitate him from figuring out how to settle himself.

He may likewise anticipate more containers during the night. This newfound habit might prove to be detrimental to him in the long run. It will not be visible at one go, however, it is hard to return once you set off.
Solid food considerations
On the off chance that you are giving your child bottle takes care of during the night and he’s over a half year and eating solids, attempt to lessen the number of feeds. This will break your child’s relationship between the jug and nodding off. Start by cutting the measure of milk or equation in the container by somewhere in the range of 15ml and 30ml for each feed, contingent upon how your child reacts.

You can begin with simply the sleep time take care of or lessen the volume of all rest related feeds simultaneously. Continue diminishing the measure of milk or equation by 30ml every night throughout the following week, until there are no more feeds. Or on the other hand, you could take a stab at offering some plain water in his jug. Ideally, at that point, he’ll conclude that a container of water does not merit waking for!
Hence, these are a few things that you must keep in mind. Babies have very sensitive teeth and bodies. You must tread with caution before doing this. As a famous idiom says, “prevention is better than cure”. Enjoy the time with your lovely babies parents! Happy babysitting to every one of you!