Crawling is probably the first way that your baby will start moving. This little achievement of witnessing your baby crawling for the first time is always heartwarming. Once your baby starts moving, he/she will be scooting around your home in no time.
How does your child learn this skill
Crawling is indeed a pretty complex process. Babies need to learn to coordinate their body parts for the first time. It might take a while for them to get prepared.

After having spent enough tummy time, the muscles in the baby’s arms and shoulders get strengthened. Eventually, the child starts taking mini push-ups. The baby will then spend more time lying on her tummy using her arms for the support, she will try lifting their head and chest.
With the help of their forearms, your baby will start to move around pulling themselves along on their tummy. Slowly and steadily your little one will get up on all fours and start moving backward and forward keeping their arms straight and balancing their body parallel to the floor. Once started, the game is theirs!
When does a baby crawl
Most of the babies learn to crawl when they are around 6 and 10 months. Each baby is different and they all develop at different rates. Even if your child takes more time, there is nothing to worry about.

Parents role in supporting your baby crawl
Providing tummy time
Give your baby plenty of tummy time from the start. This will help him develop the muscles that your baby needs to crawl. Tummy time also helps prevent flat spots from developing on your baby’s head.

Incentives to grab
Place a set of toys or other desirable objects beyond the reach of your baby. You should encourage him/her to crawl and grab the objects quickly.
Ensure your child’s security
Make sure that your child has space to explore that is safe and supervised. Having crawling children at home, child-proofing is a must. Check all corners of your home and see what potential hazards might be present at your baby’s level.

Keep your hand behind your child’s feet when he is on all fours
This will make him more confident and will give him a “push off” when he is just learning to crawl.
Things you must avoid
Compelling your baby to learn to crawl
This might give a negative impact on the child’s overall crawling process. Pushing your child to develop a skill for which she is not ready can slow down the learning process. Give him his own time to get prepared.
Spending lots of time in the baby seat and baby carriers
Though this might be comfortable for parents when they are in public, they restrict the movement of your children. For your child to learn how to crawl and then stand straight and walk, they need plenty of time and space to move around and explore.
Using baby Walkers
This limits the practice time which the babies should spend on floor learning to crawl. Walkers also hamper a child’s muscle development, as it aids walking easily.

When should you be concerned about your baby’s crawling
Different babies develop their skills at their own pace. There is nothing wrong if your baby is slow to crawl. They may be figuring out other skills that are more interesting to them. Premature babies and babies that are obese take some extra time to crawl and reach other milestones.
Some babies never crawl! From lying on their tummies, they go straight to standing and walking.

You need to be concerned only if your little one is not showing any normal signs of mobility like trolling, shuffling, scooting along the floor. Take them to a pediatrician if your baby can’t complete the above-mentioned basic movements by the time they are six or seven months old.
Different children achieve various milestones at their own pace. Never worry much if your child is a little late. If your child is actively doing his activities and improving his movements, he/she is doing fine. Encourage your child in everything they achieve and you will see your little one growing by each day achieving his milestones one after the other!