Hey lovely parents! How are you dealing with your children? Are you contemplating which drinks you can offer your toddler for a healthy diet and nutrition? Today we are gonna have a look at some of the drinks that you can serve them. These drinks are good for their health and growth. As soon as the toddlers turn one, breastmilk is good. It gives the greater part of the hydration and nourishment he required. If in case you choose to continue breastfeeding, your little child will keep on profiting. Now, there are a few questions that may arise in your mind regarding the drinks you can feed them. Hence, let us have a look at the drinks you can provide to them.
Milk: Serve it up in an open cup
At this age, your fussy toddler needs bone-building supplements like calcium and other nutrients. Hence, cow’s milk is an extraordinary source of many nutrients required on a routine basis. Entire milk is additionally a decent wellspring of the protein. Plain milk is ideal. Seasoned milk has a ton of sugar your kid doesn’t need.

Giving her enhanced milk presently could make it increasingly hard to get her to need plain milk later. When your fussy toddler turns 2, change from entire milk to low-fat (1 per cent) milk. Your kid doesn’t require as much bovine’s milk as she did breastmilk or equation. The general guideline about milk for little children is between 2 to 3 cups of milk a day. Offer milk with suppers, however, abstains from serving it between dinners since it’ll top her off and can prompt a supper time battle.
We as a whole realize water is beneficial for us, and it’s useful for your kid, as well. Here’s the dependable guideline about giving water to babies

Offer a lot of water every day, and serve it as the go-to refreshment among suppers and when you’re all over town. Make water all the more energizing by offering it in an open cup. Blend it with your youngster’s preferred character or shading, or by utilizing an enjoyment straw.
Other drinks
We don’t suggest giving your baby organic product juice or some other sugary beverages, similar to lemonade, sweet tea, fruit juice, pop or smoothies. They all contain a lot of sugar, which can prompt various medical issues.

For instance, as indicated by the American Academy of Pediatrics, drinking a lot of juice can prompt:
- Poor nourishment
- The expanded danger of tooth rot
- The expanded danger of looseness of the bowels, gas and swelling
- The expanded danger of introduction to microscopic organisms in unpasteurized juices
On the off chance that you decide to give your little one juice, we prescribe adhering to 100 per cent natural product juice, diluting it and restricting it to 4 ounces per day. Furthermore, make certain to offer squeeze just in an open cup at nibble times as tasting on a jug of juice, a sippy cup of juice or a juice box for an all-inclusive timeframe further builds the danger of tooth rot.
If you haven’t discarded the container or sippy cup for an open cup yet, now is the ideal time.

Figuring out how to utilize an open cup is a key formative aptitude for your kid, so continue working with him on it. Anticipate a wreck, and offer assistance when he needs it. At the point when you’re in a hurry, offer water in a little child cup with a flip straw or a little kids’ water bottle.